Hadoop Filesystem Commands
Hadoop Filesystem Commands
hadoop fs -mkdir mydir
Create a directory (mydir) in HDFS
hadoop fs -ls
List files and directories in HDFS
hadoop fs -cat myfile
View a file content
hadoop fs -du
Check disk space usage in HDFS
hadoop fs -expunge
Empty trash on HDFS
hadoop fs -chgrp hadoop file1
Change group membership of a file
hadoop fs -chown huser file1
Change file ownership
hadoop fs -rm file1
Delete a file in HDFS
hadoop fs -touchz file2
Create an empty file
hadoop fs -stat file1
Check the status of a file
hadoop fs -test -e file1
Check if file exists on HDFS
hadoop fs -test -z file1
Check if file is empty on HDFS
hadoop fs -test -d file1
Check if file1 is a directory on HDFS
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