Hadoop Real Time Interview Question

Hadoop Real Time Interview Question

1. What kind of issues your facing while using cluster

2. Please mention recommended hard disk and ram size.

3. Hadoop 1 or Hadoop 2 Which one you are using.

4. Are you using any distribution

5.Are you used oozie and zookeeper in cluster

6. If you used what kind of jobs ...can u explain me

7. what trouble shooting issues you faced

8. Cluster maintenance and backup

9. Any monitoring tools have used gangila etc

10.What is the roles and responsibilities of your project

11.Performance tunning

12.planning of Hadoop cluster

13. what is ranger

14.have used UDF for pig or hive?

15.have u written any script automated in system for cluster

16. Kerberos installation and configuration

17.How well does Hadoop scaling?

18.Name upgrade and increase cluster size like commissioning and decommission

19.have you used metrics?

20.how to decide a cluster size ...based on data size...can u tell which formula we are using ...

21.can you explain me complete Hadoop eco-system and it works?

22.15 node cluster ...how many data nodes are in that

23.How much data you processed in 15 node cluster

24.Every day how much data you processing.

answers for this questions are mention in two different post
you can go through Answer to Hadoop Real-time Questions for first 10 questions
for another set of answers please refer Answer to Hadoop Real-time Questions Part 2.

comment below if you in need of answers for some of your questions.