What are the prerequisites for learning hadoop
When we already decided to start working in hadoop, The very first question comes in our mind
What are the prerequisites for learning hadoop? What are the prerequisites for learning prerequisites for learning big data .
From where we should start leaning hadoop?
How much Java and unix / linux knowledge is required for learning hadoop
As we already started out free hadoop learning
Hadoop Developer Self Learning Outline
A simple answer to prerequisites for learning hadoop is
To learn Hadoop and build an excellent career in Hadoop, having basic knowledge of Linux and knowing the basic programming principles of Java is a must.
What are the topic we have to prepare for this?
Answer: Core Java
below are the topic you should review before learning hadoop.
- Geting started with java
- Writing java programs
- Compiling java programs
- Running java programs
- Understanding java program
- java IDE - Eclipse
- Language Fundamentals
- String, Integer, Long
- Object
- Arrays
- Loop blocks - for, while
- Classes and Objects
- Inheritance
- Interface
- Overloading methods
- Overriding methods
- Collections
- ArrayList, LinkedList
- HashMap
- Iterable, Iterator
- Exceptions
- Throwing and Catching Exceptions
- Checked Exceptions
- Unchecked Exceptions
- I/O
- Streams, Input Stream, OutputStream
- File
All the above mentioned topic can easily be found at Java T Point
Along with Java we need to take care of Linux knowledge.
I am going to mention linux command which are required in the phase of learning hadoop
File Commands
1. ls | Directory listing |
2. ls -al | Formatted listing with hidden files |
3. ls -lt | Sorting the Formatted listing by time modification |
4. cd dir | Change directory to dir |
5. cd | Change to home directory |
6. pwd | Show current working directory |
7. mkdir dir | Creating a directory dir |
8. cat >file | Places the standard input into the file |
9. more file | Output the contents of the file |
10. head file | Output the first 10 lines of the file |
11. tail file | Output the last 10 lines of the file |
12. tail -f file | Output the contents of file as it grows,starting with the last 10 lines |
13. touch file | Create or update file |
14. rm file | Deleting the file |
15. rm -r dir | Deleting the directory |
16. rm -f file | Force to remove the file |
17. rm -rf dir | Force to remove the directory dir |
18. cp file1 file2 | Copy the contents of file1 to file2 |
19. cp -r dir1 dir2 | Copy dir1 to dir2;create dir2 if not present |
20. mv file1 file2 | Rename or move file1 to file2,if file2 is an existing directory |
21. ln -s file | link Create symbolic link link to file |
File permission
chmod octal file Change the permission of file to octal,which can
be found separately for user,group,world by
• 4-read(r)
• 2-write(w)
• 1-execute(x)
other imp linux command required are related to below category
- Network
- Compression
- System Info
- Searching
- Process management
In order to get PDF of this commands ..Kindly mention your mail ID so I can share it with you
above mentioned topics are the prerequisites for learning hadoop.
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