Whats happen in ONE MINUTE over internet search
A statistical analysis of ONE MINUTE internet search.
Google receives over 2,000,000 search queries.
Facebook receive 34,722 “likes”.
Consumers spend $ 272,070 on web shopping.
Apple receives 47,000 Apps downloads.
370,00 minutes of calls on Skype,
98,000 posts on tweets,
20,000 posts on Tumblr,
13,000 hours of music streaming on Pandora,
12,000 new ads on Craigslist,
6,600 pictures uploaded to Flickr,
1,500 new blog posts,
600 new YouTube videos.
A statistical analysis of One Second in internet search.
Now In One Second:
7,567 Tweets sent
59,614Google searches
774Instagram photos uploaded
1,227Tumblr posts
2,530Skype calls
43,446GB of Internet traffic
59,614Google searches
68,756YouTube videos viewed
2,578,145Emails sent (67% of them are SPAM)
Visit: Hadoopquiz.blogspot.in
Google receives over 2,000,000 search queries.
Facebook receive 34,722 “likes”.
Consumers spend $ 272,070 on web shopping.
Apple receives 47,000 Apps downloads.
370,00 minutes of calls on Skype,
98,000 posts on tweets,
20,000 posts on Tumblr,
13,000 hours of music streaming on Pandora,
12,000 new ads on Craigslist,
6,600 pictures uploaded to Flickr,
1,500 new blog posts,
600 new YouTube videos.
A statistical analysis of One Second in internet search.
Now In One Second:
7,567 Tweets sent
59,614Google searches
774Instagram photos uploaded
1,227Tumblr posts
2,530Skype calls
43,446GB of Internet traffic
59,614Google searches
68,756YouTube videos viewed
2,578,145Emails sent (67% of them are SPAM)
Visit: Hadoopquiz.blogspot.in
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